Thursday, February 5, 2009

From the Caribbean

Two days in the Caribbean, and we're feeling homesick ... we couldn't get over the similarities between the islands and home!
Dominica is, of course much more mountainous than the Sunshine Coast, and MUCH poorer, but almost every plant we saw was one that we knew from home. Birds were different - a great big Sisserou parrot, and tiny green humming birds, but we even saw many gum trees and sheoaks, as well as almost every plant we have in our garden. We travelled to a splendid waterfall, drank rum punch, and admired the marvelous cricket ground, donated by the Chinese Government!
Barbados is MUCH wealthier - near Bridgetown, the capital, are hundreds of million-dollar mansions, but all across the island people seem to have a comfortable lifestyle. We hired a car, and took new friends Janet and Collette (sisters from Pennsylvania who sat on the floor with us while we waited out the bomb scare as we were boarding in Fort Lauderdale) on a tour of the island - they were impressed that we could handle a right-hand drive car! John had a great talk with Garfield Sobers' cousin - with so many American tourists, anyone who loves cricket is greatly welcomed!
Lunch was at Bathsheba, on the far side of the island, fried flying fish eaten in a little shack with red, green and yellow shutters, then we headed back through spreading canefields, past herds of Nubian goats and more familiar plants. There was a Pirate Party last night, but we went to see a ventriloquist perform instead - the entertainment is terrific.
Rougher today, now that we're out in the Atlantic - 12 foot waves, we're told. Some are suffering, but we're still enjoying the wonderful cuisine - and walking lots, so that we don't roll home!

1 comment:

DJSwan said...

Hi, good to hear that you are having a wonderful time and everything is going well.

Worst fears confirmed with the weather for Saturday - 46.4 - was the top temperature with very strong Northerly winds. There have so far been nearly 100 bodies found, they are expecting to find more - confirmed as of tonight - 87. The most sad news was that Brian Naylor - Channel 9 News Anchor who retired 11 years ago - was killed with his wife in the fires at Kinglake. All of Marysville is gone, with the exception of one building, Kinglake is all burnt and gone, Bendigo was hit, Horsham, Drouin, Narre Warren, Broadford, Cloninbine, Seymour, Bunyip, Moe, Bruthen were all hit with fires. Many fires are still out of control, particularly the Kinglake/Marysville fire - on its way to Taggarty and Alexandra - Eildon is also on high alert.

John and Ester came under ember attack, but everyone is ok.

Worst fires on record - even made major headline news on the CNN website.

Sorry for the bad news, but best you hear it from someone in Victoria rather than general stuff on the news there.

It's funny - we are having massive fires in a severe drought and QLD is getting bad flooding in the north - go figure.

On a lighter note, everything is ok here now - Angus and Zelda are fine and the weather for the coming week is suppose to be in the low 20's with hopefully some rain.

All for now