Sunday, October 10, 2010

California - here we came

We have our feet on the ground! We're staying with friends Tom and Neal in a real house ... and we feel like real people, not like tourists! We loved being on the ship, and had a superb time, but real life is wonderful too.

Yesterday we sat out under the trees (LOTS of gum trees, some banksias and wattles, and lots of peppercorn trees (if you're a Victorian) or pepperinas (Queensland version) or Californian pepper trees - take your pick - and ate breakfast in the sun, dogs at our feet - life is good. Later Neal took us around a wonderful craft museum where she's a guide (they call it a docent) - Maddy, and Stephanie, would have adored the Zandra Rhodes clothing exhibition - it was brilliant. Lots of Mexican folk sculpture (celebrating Mexico's bi-centennary) and Romanian embroidery, too. We lunched at the wonderful museum complex, watched brides posing around the interesting buildings, all built for a World Expo in the 1930s - just a great day out with friends.

Now we're off to dye Peace T-shirts, and join the Biggart family at the Unitarian church, then wander our way northwards in the SUV we've hired - it was meant to be a compact car, but that's life! Interesting sidelight - collection of the car was held up because no-one could get the electronic locks to work - it turned out that the nuclear US Navy carrier in the port had blocked all electronic signals in that wavelength!

Back to land means back to facebook, too - it;s great to hear everybody's news - Congratulations to Michael and Tammy on their engagement, commiserations to Jess, whose pet Crush is no more, good luck to Bronwyn - and thanks to all the others for snippets of news.

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